Monday, December 17, 2007

Hawaiian Coast

The Hawaiian Coast features many diverse dive environments including lava tubes, caves, and arches. It is often worthwhile to go into caverns and lava tubes to see if there are any interesting critters hiding there. We can find sleeping sharks, nudibranchs, and other noctural animals there.

Come join us for a wonderful experience.

At Hawaii Reef Divers, the crew takes all the work out of diving. We set up your gear while you are checking in on the dock. When it's time to dive we make entering the water extremely simple and safe. A crewmember will carry your gear to the stern while you wait, seated, on one of two metal benches. All that's left is for you to strap on your tank and stride into the clear, calm waters. After your first dive enjoy fresh island fruit and a cool drink while the crew switches your gear over to a fresh tank. After your second dive your gear is rinsed for you as we motor back to the harbor. Our dives are guided by knowledgeable instructors who brief you on what to expect to see before you enter the water. Encounters with dolphin, turtles, and manta rays are common in the placid Hawaiian waters and other visitors make special appearances to assure that every dive can turn into something extraordinary and interesting to say.

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